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ReEmergence Process  Workshops

Get notified about upcoming ReEmergence Process in person and online events.

Systemic Family Constellations Workshops

Dr Alice Laskey also co-facilitates regular Systemic Family Constellations workshops in Cornwall and Devon, UK. These workshops can be very complimentary to your Reemergence Process, especially when working with unresolved and deep-rooted family issues or transgenerational trauma.

Upcoming dates include: 

March 16th

May 11th

June 8th

Sept 14th
Sept 28th

Oct 19th

Nov 23rd

For further information please get in touch.
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"This is such a unique and nurturing class. I felt as though I was able to unfold in the warmth of the space, and through guided meditation, story and discussion, know myself a little better. A real gem and such a pleasure." 


"A beautifully choreographed experience which took me out of my everyday. Couldn’t ask for more in the darker days. Thank you Alice Laskey I will surely book on your next one!"


"I loved this workshop. I came away feeling nourished and connected - not only to women in the workshop, but with the men and women throughout history who have carried these stories forward to the modern day."


"This workshop was the perfect pause to reconnect with self and soul. I definitely recommend it! Alice creates a safe and gentle space for exploration to begin."


"The delicacy and authenticity with which Alice held the space were just wonderful. She created an environment of reflection, creativity and calm, where a group of strangers felt grounded, deeply connected and inspired to think differently about our place in the world."


"This workshop opened my eyes to a brand new world... Thank you Alice for this wonderful workshop that allowed me to dig deep inside myself... It was an affirmation that I don't have to conform to what society expects of me. I am free to be me."


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