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Dr Alice Laskey

Consultant Clinical Psychologist - Author - Founder of The ReEmergence Process

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Alice has worked in the field of mental health and emotional wellbeing for over twenty-five years. She qualified as a Clinical Psychologist in 2004 and has worked with people of all ages in a wide range of NHS, private sector health services and educational settings. Her focus lies in the healing of deep-rooted trauma and fostering wellbeing, primarily with women and families.

The work Alice offers springs from a deep well of professional experience, knowledge, and skills. She has a wealth of professional qualifications in multiple therapeutic modalities, such as cognitive analytic therapy, brief psychodynamic psychotherapy, mindfulness-based approaches, various cognitive therapies, and systemic family constellations, to name but a few. She is also heavily influenced by depth psychology, ecopsychology, and somatic therapy. Taking an integrative approach enables her to work psychologically, phenomenologically and creatively, involving the body, mind, heart, and soul. Her work is deeply collaborative and guided by the unique needs of those she serves.

Alice works therapeutically with individuals and with systems. As a systemic constellations facilitator, she gazes through a wide-angled lens, where the interplay between our inner and outer ecology is key. This whole-systems approach facilitates a process of radical inclusion, where everything has a place and where everyone belongs.  This may include, for example, the aspects of who we are as an individual, our family, ancestral lineage, society, collective mythologies, geographical places, or places in nature. Working in this way supports a life-affirming rebalancing for the individual and the collective.

Alice is also a creative, and one of the ways she expresses this is through her writing. She has worked as a clinical researcher and doctoral thesis examiner and she has published multiple articles, chapters and a book. She is currently working on a new book centred around The ReEmergence Process, which she created as a personal exploration process for women navigating perimenopause. Through this process Alice helps women to reclaim all of who they are in their inner world, and in doing so, empowers them to become all of who they can be in their outer world. She facilitates this work with women all around the world who are ready to take a deep dive into their inner work. Alice believes that doing inner work is an essential part of the great work of our troubled times.

Alice has founded several psychology organisations, such as the NCPIP and The Psychology Partnership. She has served on numerous professional committees and been chair for the BABCP North-West Branch and the Frontline19 advisory committee, as well as research reviewer for ACAT. She provides training, consultation and supervision to professionals and organisations, sharing her expertise with others in the mental health field.

Whether you are seeking personal healing, professional guidance, or a path towards a more authintic life, Alice welcomes the opportunity to walk this journey with you.

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Alice emerged into the world immersed in nature, with her roots firmly planted in the hot Sahara soil in northern Nigeria. Often found playing in the mud, happily engrossed in an imaginary game with her latest animal or insect friends, her early life nurtured in deep connection with the natural world.

She grew up in West Africa within a rather nomadic family involved in environmental conservation, education and community development. Her colourful and earthy start nurtured her sense of interconnection with all that is. Later, her life in the UK helped her reconnect wutg ger Celtic roots, creating a blend of influences that reflect her identity as both African and European.


These days you will often find her playing in the cool coastal waters of Cornwall, where she lives with her wonderful family. Her current local loves are stand up paddleboarding, painting, pottery, walking the coast paths and cuddling her cats. However, part of her heart is still dancing in the warm mud in Maiduguri, celebrating the arrival of the rainy season.


Wherever she makes her home, contributing to community is centrally important to her, as is her connection to the land. Her soul's passions and brave heart regularly lead her to initiate and co-create projects in service to environmental activism, children's emotional wellbeing, and social equality in her local community and schools. Whatever her latest endeavour, integrity, truth and compassion are paramount in all she does.


The work she offers comes not only from her professional background but is also a reflection of wisdom gained through her life journey. Like many, Alice she became conditioned into a head-dominated way of living but eventually reached a point in midlife where she felt a keen sense of loss and a deep longing. In many ways, she was succeeding, yet her life felt out of balance, and her heart was yearning for something more. Through her dedication to personal exploration, she learnt to return to a more embodied, creative and spiritually connected way of life by fostering what she calls 'the arts of the Feminine'. This inspired her to develop The ReEmergence Process to support like-hearted women through the perimenopausal years. Weaving the strands of personal and professional experiences together, she authentically embodies the dynamic dance of life in her own perfectly imperfect way, doing her best to walk the talk.

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Dr Alice Laskey is a member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
and is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS)

Get In Touch For 1:1 Sessions, Consultation, Supervision, Training or Collaboration


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"Alice is an exceptional facilitator with a wonderful ability to hold a safe, calm, space with a gentle, authentic  and intuitive approach. I highly recommend you to experience Alice's expertise and guidance."


The delicacy and authenticity with which Alice held the space were just wonderful. She created an environment of reflection, creativity and calm, where a group of strangers felt grounded, deeply connected and inspired to think differently about our place in the world."


"A beautifully choreographed experience which took me out of my everyday. Couldn’t ask for more in the darker days. Thank you Alice Laskey I will surely book on your next one!"


"This workshop was the perfect pause to reconnect with self and soul. I definitely recommend it! Alice creates a safe and gentle space for exploration to begin.”


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